Our Legacy
Protecting and preserving the environment is a longstanding and deep-rooted principle for everyone at Murphy. Charles H. Murphy, Jr. was a forerunner in the environmental awareness movement, and his tireless efforts helped to create standards and practices for the oil and natural gas industry. For his work in bringing together industry and national leaders of the environmental movement, Mr. Murphy was honored with the National Wildlife Federation’s citation for outstanding individual service.
In 1999, he became the first oil industry executive to receive the prestigious Chevron Conservation Award. Our environmental initiatives – directed by our HSE Policy and implemented according to our comprehensive HSE Management System – continue to build on Mr. Murphy’s legacy.
Our strategic initiatives over the past decade have led to a transformation of the company into a focused E&P player which has resulted in a more sustainable business and a significantly reduced emissions footprint. At the tactical level, Murphy continually improves the performance of existing assets by making investments in equipment upgrades and new technologies, which help to monitor, measure and improve our environmental performance.
We have committed to reducing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions intensity by 15 to 20 percent by 2030 against our 2019 baseline. We have also endorsed the Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition’s goal of eliminating routine flaring by 2030, under the current World Bank definition of routine flaring.
Water Management
Water is essential to our communities, ecosystems and industry. Murphy is committed, from the Board and CEO level down to field personnel, to responsible water management practices, stewardship and conservation in all areas where we operate. We strive to be a leader in water management planning and practices, with the ultimate objective of reducing the withdrawal and use of fresh water in our operations. To help ensure our onshore water use is sustainable, we have a comprehensive water management policy and strategy that addresses planning and forecasting, water sourcing, treatment, storage, recovery and recycling, permitting and optimization.
Our offshore Gulf of Mexico business does not use fresh water for oil and natural gas production. Uses are for functions typical to marine environments, including ballast systems, machinery cooling and potable water. All water provided to facilities for the process stream is sourced from seawater and are either untreated or treated with metal ions. Potable water for hygiene and galley use is generated through reverse osmosis, and then returned to the sea through overboard discharges, with regular monitoring for low oil content and toxicity to ensure no impact to aquatic environments. When discharging water offshore, we comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), managed and regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Biodiversity Protection
We are committed to protecting biodiversity at all operating locations and at all stages of the project lifecycle. From planning through execution, the Subsurface, Construction, Environment and Land teams collaborate to minimize project footprint and impacts to water, soil, archeology and wildlife. At end of every project, the HSE team is responsible for implementing a decommissioning, remediation and restoration standard, which is part of the Murphy HSE Management System.
Spills Management
Managing spill risk is a critical element in reducing our environmental impact, and procedures to minimize such incidents are covered by our HSE Policy and HSE-MS, asset integrity management and internal annual targets.
Murphy tracks its hydrocarbon spills throughout the year and evaluates the data for preventative measures and continual improvement.
Waste Management
As part of our strategy to minimize the impact on the environment and our commitment to responsible drilling practices, Murphy utilizes specific fluids for our onshore and offshore operations.
Waste generated from our operations is managed in accordance to multiple laws, regulations and industry standards.