Health and Safety
We uphold this responsibility through our comprehensive Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy and HSE Management System (HSE-MS), which are based upon industry practices and our extensive experience and apply these to all Murphy operations worldwide.
We remain focused on continually improving safety performance across our worldwide operations, and in recent years have implemented several initiatives in addition to our regular training and exercise drills, including:
- Stop-Work Authority
- Life-Saving Rules (LSR)
- Process Safety
- Contractor Engagement
- HSE Training and Competencies
- Observation Program
Contractor Management
Contractors play a significant role in performing the work to deliver on our operational goals and represent more than 80% of the work hours performed. Selecting and collaborating with our contractors is vital to ensure a unified commitment to maintaining a safe place to work, and ultimately improving our HSE performance.
Technology and Innovation
Digital excellence, innovation and cybersecurity are the core pillars of Murphy Information Technologies (IT) vision and mission, and they set the tone for enabling business success. From accurately capturing field sensor data in well pads to dynamically analyzing terabytes of seismic data, technology is an integral part of our daily operations. As a result, it is critical that our IT applications and systems function properly and data is secured, regardless of natural disasters or global events.

Contractors, Suppliers & Vendors

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion